December 25 1891 Merry Christmas Elya Deery:
December 12 1910:
December 12 1910 Clyde And Rover:
December 12 1910 Drawing Room:
December 12 1910 Illegible Address 1069:
1914 California Lake Tahoe:
1914 California Lake Tahoe Buck Island:
1914 California Lake Tahoe Daddy At Homewood Tent:
1914 California Lake Tahoe Dean Hoef Markham Stockton:
1917 Iowa Corydon City Square:
1917 Iowa Dallas Center Hotel In Quotes X At X Soil Erosion Work:
1917 Soils Classes:
1917 Soils Classes M W P M Fall:
1917 Soils Classes T P M Fall:
1917 Summer Session Soils Class:
September 13 1919 Utah Mt Logan Summit 9137 Ft:
September 13 1919 Utah Mt Logan Summit And Head Of Dry Canyon:
September 13 1919 Utah View Over Dry Canyon:
September 13 1919 View From Terrace Of Lake Bonneville Across Logan River
1919 A Family Picnic Digging The Trench For Our Fire And X We Had Some Steak:
1919 Illegible Park California:
1919 Iowa Ames 117 Sixth Street Interior Of Our Living Room:
1919 Iowa Ames 117 West 6th Our Ames House Dr Templetons Place:
1919 Iowa Ames Iowa State College Research Illegible Soil Department Merill And
1919 Iowa Ames Iowa State College Soils Classroom Return To Eric E Eastman:
1919 Iowa Ames Iowa State University Soils Office Mrs Byers Mrs Nichols:
1919 Texas Burkburnett:
1919 Texas Forth Worth 1200 College Ave:
1919 Texas Ft Worth Clyde And Dad:
1919 Texas Judge William McMurrey Cold Springs And Stevens Co:
1919 Texas Lake Worth:
1919 Or 1920 Iowa Ames Harry Tong:
1919 Or 1920 Iowa Ames Hutman And Howe:
1919 Or 1920 Iowa Des Moines Masonic Temple:
1919 Or 1920 Utah Logan Illegible:
1920 Ames Alpha Beta Initiates:
1920 Pacific Ocean:
Bachelor Quarters I Exposed This Myself It Is Reflection In Large Mirror On
Folding X 30 Sec Exposure:
Bavaria And Tyrol:
California San Joaquin Valley Illegible:
Canal Of Illegible:
Cane Sunday:
D M River:
Doges Palace:
Doges Palace Staircase:
Mother Visits Ames:
Mr Smith:
Mr Winterhalter With Whom I Went To The San Joaquin Valley:
Nebraska Omaha Daisy And Eric Sr:
Northeast Rear View:
Northwest Corner:
Our Little Sunshine:
Paul 17 Months Old:
Paul At Clydemont:
Paul And Clyde:
Photograph Taken At Illegible Paso School By Illegible McPherson Cameran Person In Picture Are Blanch Illegible Clintie Glenn Myself Illegible Begins With E Churchill And Anna Simpson:
Venice Bridge Of Sighs:
Venice Cathedral:
Venice Grand Canal:
December 12 1910 Stable:
1910 Grandma U:
1910 Gilber Inn:
1910 Mama:
1910 Mama And Illegible:
November 1913:
1914 California Lake Tahoe Ellis Peak:
1914 California Lake Tahoe Ellis Peak:
1914 California Lake Tahoe Ellis Peak Sandstone:
1914 California Lake Tahoe Southwest From Ellis Peak:
1914 California Lake Tahoe View From Ellis Peak:
1914 Sans Souci:
1914 Snaps At Glengarry:
1914 Soils Department Instructor Don Illegible Looks Like McHee:
1914 Steinhart Apartments Note X Exposed X Apt 606 In Left Hand Side Of Building
Top Floor:
1914 The Pammel Girls:
1917 Summer Session Soils Class Pat Illegible Maude A Fussing:
1917 Summer Session Soils Class Ross And Irene:
1917 Summer Session Soils Class Student A M Peck:
1917 Summer Session Soils Class Students:
May 30 1918 Mrs Mark Moran:
May 30 1918 Pat Claude Moran:
1919 Annual College Illegible:
1919 At Illinois U:
1919 California Huntington Park With The Candees:
1919 Clyde:
1919 Clydemont:
1919 Texas Ranger Oil Fields Gun Barrel Tank The Sign Of A Gusher:
1919 To 1920 Utah Logan Illegible Logan River And Rock Outcrop Showing Angle Of
1919 Too Hot Indoors Soils Class On Lawn:
1919 Typical Pose Of Our Oldest Chess He Wouldnt Pose So I Snapped Him From The
1919 Utah Logan Canyon:
1919 Utah Logan Cavern:
April 27 1961 Tenth Anniversary Service Force Sixth Fleet:
Fort Sheridan P P Burns:
Fort Sheridan Patterson:
Fort Sheridan Rey Crum:
Fort Sheridan Stuart:
French Pittman Wright Bongert:
Iowa Spirit Lake Harry Illegible Looks Like Warner:
Iowa Villisca Scene Of The Axe Murders:
ISC Campus Looking Towards The Old Farmhouse:
John Illegible Looks Like Glass
Lake Lucima:
Mama By Paul:
Pisa Leaning Tower:
Print On Metal:
Professor Beckman:
Ross Bancroft Left Edith Middle Eric E Eastman Right:
Venice Rialti Bridge:
You Look As Though You Had A X In X You X:
November 1913 Dr Rices House:
November 1913 Warners House Cicero And His Pail:
1913 Cuero:
1913 En Route Up Ellis Peak:
1913 Eric Jr Baby In His Buggy Tong House Dont Give Him Away Shall I Send X:
1913 Iowa, Ames:
1914 California Lake Tahoe X At Homewood:
1914 California Lake Tahoe X On Tells Peak:
1914 California San Francisco Cliff House Beach:
1914 Colorado Lamar:
1914 Cuero:
1914 Dads Partner Mr Winterhalter California Wheat Harvest:
1914 Dads Partner Mr Winterhalter The Lehmans:
1914 Tuffy Freeman:
1914 Westlake Park:
1914 1915 Eric Jr:
June 6 1915 Iowa Ames Mary Greely Hospital Where Looks Like Alfred Was Born:
1915 Eric Jr In Winter:
May 1918 Soil Student C B Or E B Maybe Houdly:
May 1918 Soils Students Ronald Gray With Aug Or G C Christie X:
May 1918 X C Christie In Back Pasley Sheldon In Front:
June 1 1918 Mr Mark Moran Pats Dad:
1918 Avalon Mama At Yalt Links:
1919 Ag Carnival Agronomy Dept My First Float:
1919 Ag Carnival Day Picnic:
1919 Alfreds First Promeade:
1919 Ames Eric And A Grundinon:
1919 Ames P G Student From India R Nagan Gourd:
1919 Ames Soils Field Day:
1919 Mother Sans Souci:
1919 Name Illegible:
1919 Name Illegible Ends In Ll:
1919 Paul:
1919 Paul At The Beach:
1919 Utah Logan River Logan Illegible Small Waterfall Or Rapid Of Logan River
Poor Print:
1919 Utah View Up Logan Canyon Note Rock Character Of Mountain:
1919 Violets And X William But Who Cares:
1919 Or 1920 History Cheny-Illegible:
1919 Or 1920 History Cheny-Illegible Hiestand Cheny Ames:
1919 Or 1920 History Cheny-Illegible Spur And Brubeck:
July 4:
Address 1069:
Ames Deux Eric E Eastman Rems And Bancroft:
George And Kathryn 3 Months:
Guy Gilbert And Family:
Harry Illegible Looks Like Warner:
Illegible Looks Like Zeta Stuart And Illegible Jr:
Illegible Maybe DM Iowa Consolidated School:
Milan Cathedral:
Milan Cathedral Roof:
Milan Cemetary:
Milan Square:
Summer School Students Clyde:
Summer School Students Illegible Maybe Dabney:
Summer School Students Mary:
Swim Near Sopens Mill:
Texas Ranger Oil Fields:
This Is Nurse And Her Foot:
1913 Iowa Ames Eric E Eastman And Eric Jr:
1913 Iowa Ames Kitty And Cuero:
1913 Iowa Ames Playing Ball With Cuero:
1913 Iowa Ames St Johns Church:
August 1914 California Hollywood Laurel Canyon:
1914 Jimmy James:
1914 Nebraska Omaha:
1914 Or 1915 Iowa Ames Taken In Park Templeton House Daisy The Cook:
1914 Pool:
1914 Pool At Avalon:
1914 San Joaquin River Looking Across Kings River To Where I Hunted Rabbits:
1915 Spring:
1915 1916 Daisy:
August 9 1916 Joe Lillie Bonita And Cousin Iva Lillie:
1916 Ag Carnival Ross L Bancroft:
1916 Eric Jr:
October 2 1917 A E Andersons Car X To Section X In Hus Franklin:
1918 Former Student Acting Sergeant H M Peck 1st Service Co Signal Corps Buzzer
School 3rd X Co X Signaling Letter P In Semaphore:
1918 Illinois Army Fort Sheridan:
1918 Paul:
1918 Spring:
1918 Summer Soils Class:
1919 Clydemont Dad And Mother:
1919 Clydemont Eric Jr Birthday:
1919 Harry Warner:
1919 Illegible:
1919 Illegible And Illegible Aller Visiting The Violet Patch On The Way Home All
Tired Out And Home X Go And No Ford:
1919 Illegible Clydemont:
1919 Picnic Ag Carnival Day Browns Atkins Ames Carsons Selves:
1919 Soils Post Grads Back Left Paul Emerson Middle Hitchcock Right Unnamed
Front Left Verne Halverson 2nd Unnamed 3rd Harry Warner Right Unnamed:
1919 Soils Senior Class:
1919 Soils Summer Session:
1919 Some Soils Students:
1919 Summer Texas Lake Worth:
1920 Summer Texas Ranger:
1920 Utah Logan Canyon And River Note Steep Slope Up Hills Very Characteristic:
1920s Yosemite Falls:
June 12 1927:
March 11 1929 And The Day Was Really Fair And Comfortable Out:
East Porch:
Ellis Pk:
Eric And H:
Eric Jr:
Field Trip:
Fort Sheridan Eric E Eastman:
Fort Sheridan Garland Illegible:
Fort Sheridan Lt Berg Left Captain Illegible Right:
Illinois Chicago River:
In Play Of Cupid And Psyche Neva Porter Was Psyche Vivian Bulla Was Cupid Daisy Schloesser Was Venus Bulla Took Various Other Parts In X Picture She X:
Iowa Ames Iowa State University Campanile:
Iowa Ames Iowa State University Campanile Eric E Eastman Paul:
Iowa Ames Maybe Osceol:
Iowa Grain Crop:
Photograph Taken At Illegible Pass School By Illegible MacPherrons Camera Persons In Picture Are Marian McPherron Blanch Grass Illegible Glenn Daisy Schloesser And Emily Churchill:
Photograph Taken Illegible Paso School Friends Persons In Picture Are Blanch Illegible Clintie Glenn Mariam MacPherson Anna Simpsons Illegible Churchill Very Illegible Everyone Moved:
Pisa Bapistery:
Pisa Bapistery Cathedral Tower:
Pisa Cathedral:
To Ruth With Love Dear Ruth These Pictures Were Taken In Rockford Ill About 2 Years Ago Not So Good Not So Bad Ray Love My Illegible Dad And Me:
Under Pirgola:
Unidentified Burt Looks Like Cowan M Ewall:
Utah Logan Canyon Rocky Dyke Or Extrusion Canyon Extends To Right Between The Two Rocky Walls Poor Vantage Point But Couldnt Do Better:
1914 A California Ranch:
1914 A Phi Psi Group:
1914 Ag Carnival Day:
1914 Bruce Firkie Firkins Soils PG And Instructor:
1914 California Hollywood Laurel Canyon Camp With Clyde:
1914 California Hollywood Laurel Canyon Camp With Clyde Dad Helps:
1914 Dads Partner Mr Winterhalter Winterhalter And Lehman:
1914 Dads Partner Mr Winterhalter Winterhalters Bull:
1914 Daisy At Santa Monica:
1914 Eric Jr At Glengarry:
1914 George Carson Soils Department Instructor:
1914 Herb Sawhill And The Pammel Girls:
1914 Howe And His House Party Girl:
1915 Illegible Looks Like Bunty:
1915 Iowa Ames 117 Sixth Street:
1915 Iowa Ames Lutherows House:
1915 Iowa Van Buren County Bonaparte Lounsberry Soil Survey:
1915 Iowa Van Buren County Bonaparte Lounsberry Soil Survey Rice And Lounsberry:
1918 The Property Before Building:
June 1919 Illinois Champaigne Phi Psi House My Room Extreme Right Second Floor:
July 1919 Eric E Eastman Left J Eastman Right:
July 1919 Texas Lake Worth Name Illegible:
August 1919 Texas Lake Worth:
1919 Iowa Ames St Johns Episcopal Church:
1919 Iowa Squaw Creek Bridge Ames To Illegible:
1919 Julia Marie And Helen S Am Giving The Extra Prints Of This And Other Groups
To The Castles Ok:
1919 Left To Right Ted Mooney Stach Ford Frank Harris Howard Esser:
1919 Mahadro Singh Student From India:
1919 Maria:
1919 Texas Lake Worth Clyde:
1919 Texas Ranger A Line Oil Pump:
1919 Texas Ranger City:
1919 Texas Ranger J W Norris Number 1 Or Norwood Number 1 The Biggest Gusher In
The Mother Pool District Between Ranger And Eastland 3rd Tank Blown To Pieces By
Oil Pr:
1919 Texas Ranger Oil Field Pipe Lines:
1944 This Is How Our Sun Porch Was Decorated Al Decorated It Very Pretty This Is The Cellar Door Decorated:
October 24 1947:
Winter 1948 To 1949 Kitty Is 1 Year:
Summer 1949 Ohio Dayton Mershon St Kathy Dyson:
Castle Neuschwanstein
Castle Sans Souci Again Scene of Brilliant Musicale Honoring Episcopalian Archdeacon
An appreciation By Frank Vincent Waddy
An unusually large and brilliantassemblage of friends congregated on Sunday
evening at Castle Sans Souci, the mecca of numerous exacting and discriminating
pilgrims in search of the best and highest in music, song, literature and art,
combined in rare blend with the amenities of social contact and entertainment.
These gatherings at the famous home of Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Guido Castles
invariably furnish artistic experience of an exclusive order, but on this
occasion in particular the wealth of vocal and instrumental talent present,
together with the high pressure of celebrities in the audience produced a
combination difficult to duplicate except in great cosmopolitan art centers. A
salient feature of these delightful gatherings is their informal atmostphere- no
one knowing definltely at the beginning ot the evening who is to be present,
though the comprehensive list ot invitations always includes a rich profusion of
interesting names, from whom material for several distinct and varied programs
could be gathered.
Thus on Sunday a series of charming numbers was rendercd by some of the younger
vocalists among the guests, while later there were songs, piano and violin
selections. The informal concert was opened by Miss Kathleen Shippen with a
Chopin prelude and other selections, including one of her own compositions,
"Murmur of the Sea.”
Monsieur Victor Carly, an eminent French dramatic baritone, sang Bon Jour Suzon,
Vour Dansez Marquise and Thy Beaming Eyes, the last by McDowell. Salem Parker,
recently from the trenches in France, delivered several very amusing
recitations. Senator Juan Aquilar Adame, graduate of the Nacional Conservatorie
of Music, of Mexico city, played the Vals Intimo and other compositions of his
own. Cyrii Dwight Edwards sang the Arià from the Vulcan Song of the opera
Philimon and Baucies and it seemed that his magnifiecent voice roused the
armored knights to rapt attention while the ancestral portraits, heraldic
banners, coats of arms and warlike weapons around the gallery completed the
illusion of some ancient baronial hall, where far into the night the glorious
tournaments of song would wake the very walls to life.
The Countess Irma Mirafieri, arrayed in a most resplendent costume, entranced
her audience with a French Chansonette, also Tosti's Goodbye In La Tosca, which
in intensity of feeling and strongly characteristic interpretations could not be
V. D. Pometti, leader of the Majestic theatre orchestra, assisted by Senor Adame
gave two violin selections that were keenly enjoyed, completing a program of
striking excellence and brilliant artistry.
Among those privileged to enjoy this lengthy entertainment were the Monseigneur
A. Fortin, Archdeacon of the Episcopal church in Canada for forty-two years, who
is not only world famous in ecclesiastic circles, but preeminent in the literary
and social world of Europe and the Orient; Prince Paul Troubetzkey, famous
sculptor, who is executing the General Otis monument; Sir James Arbuckle, Mrs.
Fay Clark Babcock and Countess von Hardenburg, who rendered great assistance in
making the musicale a success; Count von Hardenburg, Hon. And Mrs. Francis A.
Hoffman jr., cousins of Dr. Castles Sylvester Hoffman, Frank Vincent Waddy, W.
J. McCloskey, Miss Kathleen Kerrigan, Mrs. Sarah McCleod Kerrigan and some two
hundred of the socially elite of Los Angeles and Hollywood.
Schaffhuasen Falls Of The Rhine:
Showing Sun Porch:
Six Laurel Wood:
Soils Office:
St Marks:
Summer School Soils Students: