Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
(read first, then questions
Note: This isn't really a FAQ since I'm just making these pages and no
one's asked me anything about them yet.
Q: Are there any copyright issues? What if someone else thinks they own
the photos?
A: I don't think this will be an issue. As far as I know, since I bought
these photos I own them. With no way to provably identify the original
photographer for any of these photos, I don't think there will be anyone else
who can claim copyright over any of these photos.
Q: Are these the best versions of these photos?
A: No. Most of the scanned images are around 6,000 pixels wide, compared
to the posted max resolution of 1,200 pxiels wide. I would have posted the
full-sized scans, but they currently take up something like 70gb, far more than
the space I have with my host. I'm happy to provide a copy of any/all of
these photos on disk. Unless I get an exceedingly large number of
requests, I'll pay for packaging and shipping. If the site gets an
unexpectedly large amount of attention, goes viral, etc. and generates a large
number of requests for the full-sized scans, I'll set up an account on a photo
sharing site that allows enough space for everything.
Q: Cooperation with law enforcement?
A: If I somehow end up with any photos that are of interest to law enforcement
(murder victims, missing persons, etc.), I will cooperate fully with law
Q: Do I claim copyright over any of these photos?
A: No. While I may put something like Google Ads on these pages at some
point, this is all just a hobby for me. I don't expect it to ever make any
money that will come close to covering the time and expense of making this site.
Q: Is there a way to get photos removed from this site?
A: Yes. In general, show some sort of proof that you are one of the people
in these photos or that you are related to one of the people in these photos.
I'm not sure what I would want as proof, but I would want some kind of proof
because without it, any random person could request photos to be removed.
Q: Is there any way to get the original photos for any of these family
A: Yes. This is one of the main goals of this whole project- to return
these photos to their families. Same idea of proof as getting photos
removed from this site. I won't do it just because some random person says
so, but I'm happy to do it if I have some way of verifying that the person
requesting the original photos is related/connected to someone in the photos.
Q: What kind of material would require contact with law enforcement?
A: Anything that appears to be a crime, including anything with even a hint of
child abuse/endangerment. I used to be a mandated reporter and I still try
to go by those standards. Think of it this way- if a teacher/doctor/child
care worker saw it, would it require them to report it to law enforcement?
If so, then that's the sort of material that I would report to law enforcement.
I haven't seen anything even close to this category so far, so I don't expect
this to ever happen.
Q: What kind of information won't be posted?
A: Information that could identify a specific living individual will not be
posted. I will post birth dates only if I can find information showing
that the person is deceased. I will not post social security numbers for
living or dead people. I will not post specific addresses- city and state
are ok, but not an actual, full street address.
Q: What kind of photos won't be posted?
A: Anything that shows or strongly implies nudity. Mostly that means naked
baby butts and naked baby in the bath photos. Anything that requires me to
contact law enforcement will not be posted.
Q: Where did I get these photos?
A: Mainly estate sales, thrift stores, swap meets, and auctions.
Q: Why did I make this site?
A: See "A Word From John."
Q: Why does your code look like that? Your HTML kind of sucks.
A: Because I'm dealing with a large amount of material. If it was a single
family of 50 photos, then I would care about making the code look nice.
With a current total of 5,246 images and 17 families' worth of
research/genealogy/web design, I just don't have the patience to worry about the
code looking nice. As long as the pages look the way I want them to look,
that's enough for me.
Q: Why does your site look like this? It kind of looks bland and
A: I prefer a spartan style of web design- here's the information you're looking
for without any sound, blinking lights, pointless decoration.
Q: Why is Family 1 there?
A: Family 1 (my family) is there partly because I want to make sure I'm
playing the 'you show me yours, I'll show you mine' game fairly. I can't
post pictures of other peoples' families if I'm unwilling to post photos of my
own. Family 1 is also there in case I get a removal request for the other
families. I want to make sure that any material that's part of the
structure of this site (ex: the 5 guys at the top of this site) won't ever be removed.